ICT Deutschland GmbH launches 'Foxy Love the Bee' toilet paper and starts supporting 3bee
With the new 'Foxy Love the Bee' product range, the company aims to raise consumer awareness about the importance of bees and their role in the ecosystem. The initiative focuses on understanding how bees and pollinators contribute to the health of ecosystems and the broader environmental balance.
By supporting 3Bee through the installation of digital technologies to monitor beehives and educate consumers, ICT Deutschland GmbH contributes to the study of bee populations and their well-being, while promoting sustainable practices and environmental stewardship.
Together for the protection of bees!
The brochure of the Consolidated Financial Statements 2023 of ICT Group is now available
In the “Download Area” section of the website, you can now find the brochure relating to the Consolidated Financial Statements 2023.
An unforgettable day at ICT Poland Open Day!
Thank you to all the participants for making the event an extraordinary success. About 1200 people visited us, enthusiastically exploring the various sections of our factory. It was a unique opportunity to see firsthand how the products we use every day are made. Additionally, there were games, smiles, and lots of fun for both kids and adults. We truly are one big family!
ICT France: hives and a new range of product to protect bees
ICT France has reinforced its environmental and social responsibility by installing 4 beehives at its Pannes site, which are home to more than 160,000 bees. The aim is to make all our employees aware of a serious social problem: the disappearance of bees.
This project also echoes the new Foxy Love The Bee product range, launched in France in March 2024, which informs and warns consumers about the importance of protecting bees and biodiversity.
Let's protect the bees, together!
ICT Ibérica and the Fundación Alcoraz complete the third phase of the 'Play Your Part' programme
ICT Ibérica and the Fundación Alcoraz complete the latest phase of the 'Play Your Part' programme with plantations in Torremocha de Jarama (Madrid), Almudévar (Huesca) and Pego (Alicante), for the third edition of the project that started in 2021
ICT Ibérica's commitment to the environment is sound and strong, and these actions are a concrete demonstration of this. Nine areas have already been reforested and more than 8,000 trees planted. A project that aims to absorb CO2 through the protection or maintenance of our forests, the restoration of paths, the preservation of created green areas, the removal of weeds, soil stabilisation and fire prevention measures.
Once again, the environmental and technical aspects of the work and the development of the plantation were directed by CO2 GESTIÓN, a company specialising in the restoration of forest areas and the creation of carbon sink projects for the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge (MITERD).
Bosques ICT Ibérica Foundation- Alcaraz. Third phase of the 'Play Your Part' programme
The third phase of the 'Play Your Part' programme was completed with the new forests of Torremocha de Jarama (Madrid), Almudévar (Huesca) and Pego (Alicante)
In the case of Torremocha de Jarama, more than 1,100 trees of the Populus nigra, Populus alba, Fraxinus angustifolica, Ulmus minor and Crataegus monogyna species were planted.
Next, it was the turn of the city of Almudévar, which, with the collaboration of the municipality and the pupils of the public school Santos Samper, planted more than a thousand Aleppo pine, Sabina, almond and olive trees, which will bring multiple environmental and social benefits to the residents of Almudévar.
Finally, to complete the third phase of the project, a new forest with more than a thousand species of Olea europea, Pinus pinea, Ceratonia siliqua and Tetraclinis articulata was planted in the city of Pego, Alicante. With this plantation, a total of 85 tonnes of carbon will be offset for the atmosphere throughout its growth and life, another help in caring for the planet and improving air quality.
ICT Ibérica celebrates its 25th anniversary
Founded on 20 May 1999 in Madrid and based in El Burgo de Ebro (Zaragoza) since 2004, it has achieved its goal in this quarter of a century: To be a leader in the tissue (fabric) industry, thanks to the quality and innovation of its products and always committed to society and the environment.
On 30 May, the first of the events to commemorate this quarter of a century took place. The institutional event organised by ICT Ibérica on the occasion of its anniversary was attended, among others, by the most representative authorities of our community, such as the president of the Parliament of Aragon, the vice-president of the government, and companies and suppliers linked to the plant.
The event started with a speech by the general director of the plant, Agustí Maronda, continued with statements by the president, José Luis Pérez Quintana, and ended with speeches by the mayor of El Burgo de Ebro, as host municipality, and the second vice-president of the Government of Aragon and regional minister of Economy, Labour and Industry, Mar Vaquero.
Participants then had the opportunity to see the most modern production centre in Southern Europe up close, with an investment of over 250 million euros spread over two phases, making it the supplier of choice for the Iberian market and the South of France. Guests at the commemorative event were able to see how a modern and innovative factory, employing more than 340 people, achieved a turnover of more than €280 million, exporting 25% of its production to France and Portugal.
A very special open day with staff, family and friends took place on Saturday 1 June. A factory tour was held to proudly show the work areas. We were also able to enjoy a day full of activities and surprises for young and old alike. Among the many proposals were workshops on caring for the planet, the importance of bees, the paper workshop, raising awareness on the importance of road safety, inflatables, face painting, food trucks, video games, and live music. It was a great day, attended by more than 1,000 people, where the whole ICT Ibérica family could blow out 25 candles in a very special way.
ISO 14001 certification for Diecimo converting
For many years now, we have been managing our processes and activities in accordance with the most stringent environmental standards.
Diecimo converting also recently passed the audit of its environmental management system by certification body SGS Italia S.p.A., completing the certification of ICT Italia's production sites. The certificate of conformity with the ISO 14001:2015 standard, which has been updated following the successful outcome of the audit, is now available in the Sustainability section of the website.
ICT France: a new production line on the way!
As part of our ambitious expansion project, we are pleased to announce that we are installing a new production line for toilet rolls in ICT France. This investment will not only improve our production capacity to better meet the needs of our clients, but will also create new job opportunities for the local community. The line will be equipped with the latest technology and machinery, designed to increase efficiency and ensure the highest quality of our products.
Keep following us for further updates!
Gender Equality Plan ICT Ibérica
At ICT Ibérica, we continue to strive for progress in equal opportunities between men and women, which is why we have continued to work on the implementation of several measures throughout 2023:
- Use of gender-inclusive language.
- Communication of available measures for the reconciliation of family life in the company.
- Communication of the importance of equal responsibility in child care.
- Non-sexist selection processes. Equality training and awareness-raising for those involved in job selection and promotion.
- Communication to new employees of our Equality Plan and Harassment Protocol.
- Salary audits, reinforcing the principle of equal pay for men and women in positions of equal value.
The proposed measures are designed for all staff, in order to make equality effective not only between women and men, but also between all people working at ICT Ibérica.
Since February, ICT Ibérica has included the figure of the company doctor, whose purpose is to ensure the improvement of the health of all staff, dealing mainly with:
- Carrying out annual medical examinations, monitoring individual health proposals, to generate a closer connection with each of the workers.
- Setting up working groups to help improve personal conditions in the workplace, with a focus on health problems.
- Organising seminars to help improve workers' health, in cooperation with the Prevention Department.
- Monitoring people with health problems, cooperating with Accident and Health Insurance for their improvement.
- Assisting workers directly with any personal health issues.
Through this position we aim to contribute to the improvement of the health of all ICT Ibérica employees and set up preventive health programmes managed by a medical professional. The company doctor will make an important contribution to the prevention of occupational risks at the company by implementing the health surveillance area. We also hope that you will promote the 'Healthy Business' project.