The ICT Group at the Tissue World 2023
From 28-30 March, ICT Group is pleased to announce its presence at the Tissue World Trade Show in Düsseldorf. The event will take place for the first time in Germany.
Tissue World is the world's leading trade fair for the tissue sector and will bring together industry professionals.
Come visit our Booth F/30 - Hall 8 to discover more about our products!
ICT Ibérica’s gender equality action plan 2022-2025
In 2022, ICT Ibérica, in line with its commitment to advance equal opportunities between men and women, drafted, registered and validated the new Gender Equality Action Plan to bring it up to date with current regulations, extending its validity until 2025.
On 15 December, the new Equal Opportunities Committee was formed and the Gender Equality Action Plan 2022-2025 was signed.
All proposed measures are designed for the entire workforce, not exclusively for women, with the main objective of adopting gender mainstreaming as one of our corporate principles and a strategy to make gender equality effective in the following key areas: selection and recruitment, grading and career advancement, working conditions, wage verification, pay, training, prevention of sexual and gender-based harassment, co-responsible exercise of rights in personal, family and working life, and poor representation of women.
The new Equal Opportunities Committee will continue to work to further integrate the gender perspective into the management of the company in all its policies and at all levels.
We would like to thank the members of the previous Committee for their efforts and commitment to promoting equal opportunities in ICT Ibérica.
Let's keep working! Let's make 2023 count!
PM2 and PM4 energy efficiency improvement interventions
At the Italian plants in Piano della Rocca and Piano di Coreglia, a number of significant energy efficiency measures were completed on PM2 and PM4 machines respectively.
Two interventions involved the installation of a system blowing hot air, recovered downstream from other processes, onto the paper sheet before it reaches the nip area between the suction press and the Yankee dryer. By heating the paper sheet, the viscosity of the water it contains is reduced and thus drainage is more effective. Both interventions ensure a reduction in electrical and thermal energy with consequent lower CO2 emissions.
Another intervention consisted in increasing the efficiency of the approach system by replacing the existing fan pumps with new, accurately sized pumps. In addition, latest generation motors and inverters were installed in replacement of the previous feeding system. As expected in the project phase, the adopted solution saves a considerable amount of electricity and, as a result, reduces CO2 emissions for the production of paper.
Children's Drawing Competition at ICT Ibérica
Year after year, our traditional Children's Christmas Drawing Competition has had such a great acceptance that we have already launched its 9th edition.
This time we received altogether 83 drawings that fill our company with the magic of Christmas. The decision was very difficult to make, but after the popular vote and the final choice of the jury, the result is as follows:
In the 0 to 4 years category we received 20 drawings, and the selected finalists are: Mateo Peiró (3 years old), Alma Sesé (4 years old), Pablo Gómez (4 years old) and Marcos Lacuey (2 years old). The winner is Alma Sesé.
In the 5 to 8 years category we received 30 drawings, and the selected finalists are: Lucas Peiró (6 years old), Anayet Alcaine (6 years old) and Adrián Gómez (7 years old). The winner, Anayet Alcaine.
In the 9 to 12 years category we received 33 drawings, and the selected finalists are: Mónica Aliaga (9 years old), Ixeia Alcaine (9 years old) and Lucía Gámez (12 years old). The winning drawing in this category is the drawing of Ixeia Alcaine.
Many thanks to all the children for participating and surprising us with their beautiful drawings once again this year! And congratulations to the three winners of this edition!
ICT Ibérica on the road to circular economy
Committed to environmental protection and sustainable growth, in 2019 we decided to go for a circular economy model implementing a cardboard core reuse project.
Following this path, we launch a new project that aims to make the best use of cellulose pulp.
The optimisation of our processes and the use of the best available technologies has allowed us to close the circle, achieving zero waste in the tissue manufacturing.
In addition, with this optimisation we have managed to reduce the overall non-hazardous waste fraction by 43%.
ICT Ibérica participates in the 8th ESIC Business Race
Once again this year, ICT Ibérica has supported all staff members who wanted to take part in the ESIC Business Race by taking care of their registration and providing each member with a Foxy team T-shirt.
An essentially team-based race where all team members must belong to the same company, start at the same time and cross the finish line together, thus promoting team values between colleagues and integrating sport and its health benefits into the company's culture.
The race included an 8km route through the centre of Zaragoza. Nearly 4,000 professionals from more than 400 companies and the public administration took part in the event.
This year, a total of 16 men and women participated, divided into 3 men’s teams and 2 mixed teams of men and women, together with 1 teammate who participated as an individual.
8 km where there was no lack of teamwork, fun, effort, companionship and the desire to excel. Congratulations to all our runners who, with enthusiasm and effort, have joined in, representing the company with their participation!
The Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism grants a subvention to ICT Ibérica, S.L.U.
On 16 December 2022, Industrie Cartarie Tronchetti Ibérica, S.L.U. received a grant, in relation to the 2022 call for aid under the indirect cost compensation mechanism for industrial sectors and sub-sectors considered to be exposed to a significant risk of carbon leakage, for a total amount of 1,194,443.69 euros.
ICT Ibérica SAP roll-out: the ICT group's digital transformation process continues
After a period of stabilisation of the Model Company prepared for the ICT Group, the Kick-off of the “SAP roll-out” project of ICT Ibérica was held on 19 October in Saragozza.
Together with the project team and external partners, the focus was on the essential elements to ensure a successful journey, in terms of Model Company adoption and change management.
The solution was developed on SAP S/4 HANA and the evolution roadmap foresees its implementation in the other Group companies as well.
The digital transformation plan that ICT is pursuing is an opportunity for organisational innovation, process optimisation and people development, whose contribution will be the key lever to overcome this further challenge.
A medal-worthy race
This year, for the fourth time, ICT Poland’s representatives participated in the National Women’s and Men’s Road Race “Kostrzyńska Dziesiątka” [“The Ten of Kostrzyn”]. With great determination, for the third time now, the team won first place in the Team Championship for Corporate Employees, which means that ICT Poland is still undefeated in this category since 2019.